Tuesday, November 1, 2011

First Night at Home.

     Well what can I say.. The first night at home with Mia was deff a tough one. I was exhausted and in a weird mood. Crying, couldn't sleep. My body was worn out but my mind was going 90 to nothing but I guess that's just normal. While in the hospital they had to change her formula(I am breast & bottle feeding) because she was spitting up. They changed her to SOY instead of reguar Similac. She did much better on it, however, it was the pre-mixed not the powder. When we were discharged they gave me a 'goodie bag' and it had the same kind of formula just in powder form. I didn't think a thing about it.
     We get home at around 8pm & Stevens parents were waiting for us. The day she was born they didn't even get to hold her so we didn't mind them being there. Stevens mom fed her the last pre-mixed bottle that we had from the hospital and she fell right to sleep. We thought that she was out for the count & she was.. for a little while. I don't feed her ever 2 hours like they say because she's a big baby & eats more at one feeding so at 2am we woke her up. Steven made the bottle exactly how it said (new parents always read directions lol). We fed her and she seemed to do ok with it. Of course she wanted to stay awake after sleeping for a few hours so her and I stayed out in the living room while Steven went back to bed.
     4:30am rolled around and she was fast asleep so I thought I should get some rest while I could. I picked her up and we went to bed.. Not even 5 mins after lying her flat in the bassinett she starts to fuss and cry.. I hate to keep picking her up and holding her all the time so I reached over and patted her lightly. She calmed down. I thought she had fallen back asleep but then she was wide awake screaming and crying. It was the most awful thing I have ever heard. She had 2 dirty diapers in about 2 hours (not terribly dirty but enough to make anyone fuss) We thought maybe she was just having a little prob going potty and when she finally did she would calm down and we would get her back to sleep. NOPE! The screaming lasted until about 6am. I was so emotional. I cried. I couldn't help her feel better. I felt helpless. I swaddled her up and just held her and rocked her for hours. Even though my back and feet were killing me. I held her and prayed to God to take her pain away. Not for me but just for her. I prayed for her little tummy to feel better and soon. I knew there wasn't anything seriously wrong bc she would calm down and fall asleep for a little while but then she would start to scream again.
     Finally, Steven offered to go to WalMart & get gas drops that the Dr. said were perfectly safe for her to take. I hated for him to leave me alone with her. Only because I was just as emotional as she was. He also came back with the SAME thing she drank at the hospital. Similac SOY Isomil in the pre-mixed bottle. She was asleep when he got back at about 7-730sih. We gave her the gas drops and waited a few mins. Made the bottle with the pre-mixed formula and prayed she would feel better. As soon as she took the drops we noticed a change in her cries. She took the bottle where she wouldn't even suck on the paci. She relaxed her whole body and ate like she hadn't ever ate before. I was soooo happy that she was feeling better. Exhausted, I went to take her from Steven and he told me to lie down while he fed her. I love him. He came into the bedroom at about 845 put her in the middle of the bed on the boppy & we were all 3 out. A perfect ending to a horrible night.
     People will say I'm going to regret it but I let her sleep today. From 9-230pm. I knew she was tired and worn out from last night. My precious baby... We woke her up at 230ish to wash her up. I thought it would make her feel a little better. Sweating & crying from last night. Her little bath must have felt good. She was mad at first but we got her bathed, changed (which was dirty but not as bad as I'd thought) dressed & fed she was asleep again and has been asleep ever since. Yea, she may get her days & nights mixed up for a little while but I'm off work for 8 weeks so I have all the time she needs to get on a schedule.

I know babies are going to fuss and cry and be unhappy BUT I hate that cry. The cry that tells me I can't do anything at that moment to make it better. I love my sweet girl so much. We are going to wake, feed and change her now at 730pm and see how tonight goes. Daddy goes back to work tomorrow :(

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going so well. Enjoy every minute you have with her. She is so precious.
