Saturday, January 14, 2012

Meth in the Home

 Ok so I'm not one for putting my family's business out there for everyone to know BUT my sisters business has already been put on the FRONT PAGE of the local paper so I figure, hey.. what the hell.

     For it to be considered "child endangerment" for a child taken out of a home where a meth lab is located the childs toxicity level has to be 300 mg/kg. According to the hair folical test that my nephew had done in the begining of December his level was 3,297. Now I'm not an expert but OMG! I just googled what a lethal amount would be in an adult and it is from 500 mg/kg to 5000 mg/kg. Hmm..

 I was feeling a bit sympathic for my sister thinking maybe.. just maybe she really didn't know what was going on in her home. Maybe she wasn't doing it around her son.. There is NO POSSIBLE way that she didn't know and she ahd to have beend doing it around him as well as her boyfriend/husband. That is the highest level EVER found in an infant. What are people thinking? Now being a parent, I couldn't imagine putting my child in ANY kind of danger at all.. I'm so in love with Mia Elizabeth I would DIE is someone came and took her away from me.

     So what about Stefen William.. What happens to him? He gets bounced around from home to home. Has to go visit is father in prison. Has to watch his mother go through drug rehab & parenting classes, living from paycheck to paycheck. What about when he gets older? In school is going to 'slower' than other kids? Will he regress because of all the drugs he has been exposed to? Learning/speech problems.. mental issues! this poor baby. MY poor nephew. I never thought that my sister would be so stupid. She blames is on him but we all know it wasn't ALL HIM. It never has been ALL HIM. She is an adult. She makes her own decisions.  My heart breaks for Stefen. I pray for him every night and I'm asking that if you are reading this that you take time out and say a small prayer for him.

 Pray that in his life he remembers only the happy times. Pray that he is not effecting long term from what he was been exposed to and grows up healthy.

<3 you, Boog.


  1. He will definitely be in my prayers. He deserves a good, stable, drug-free, loving home. It is simply is unfair for him to be going through so much at such a young age!


  2. Feeling very sorry for you and all of the turmoil that you are going through over your nephew. Hoping and praying that God can work it all out in his life and that as he grows he will make the right choices in his life inspite of his parents. You, hopefully, can have a great influence on him and trust you can help him.

  3. Bless his little heart! I'll definitely be praying for all of y'all

  4. My heart breaks for Stefan and truly for Sam to. I can not imagine how jacked up she must be to do that to her child. I hope she gets the help she needs and figures out her life. Stefan was removed at a young enough age that hopefully he wont remember the bad things and I pray he has no lasting effects of this horrible thing his parents did to him. I am always here for you Amber I love you guys.
